Sunday 28 March 2021

Dos/Windows 98 PC Games Tier List

 Dos/Windows 98 Games Tier List

The big, chunky, white computer that often sounded like aircraft about to take off and sat on a wooden table next to our kitchen was one of my favourite things in our house as a child. This is my tier list of games from that era that I made from this list of games I found online. Unfortunately, it's missing quite a few games that have a lot of nostalgia for such as Civilization II and Swat 2 but this is how I ranked the ones that were on it. 

Haven't played

Diablo and Diablo 2: My only memories of these games are of watching my older brother play them so I couldn't really rank them properly.

Low tier

Wacky Wheels: one of the main reasons I was jealous of kids who had Mario Kart.

Alone in the Dark: clunky.

Ecstatica: even clunkier.

Mid tier

Carmageddon and Carmageddon 2: spent hours on these as a child. The aesthetic was different from anything else I had played at the time but they don't hold up very well.

Sin: fairly average FPS.

Warcraft: not as good as the sequel.

Tomb Raider: I love certain aspects of this game but it has still never grasped me enough to actually complete it.

Commander Keen: this was the PC's answer to Super Mario but not quite as much fun. 

High tier

Woldenstein 3D: one of the first FPS games ever made. Really simple gameplay but lots of fun and you get to kill Hitler.

Doom and Doom 2: both very deserving of their iconic status. The second one is superior in my opinion.

Quake: superior to Doom in general atmosphere which is helped by the amazing soundtrack. 

Warcraft II: another game I spent hours on as a child and was much better at than when I tried to play it again a few years ago. Improves in most aspects over the original Warcraft. 

Dungeon Keeper: an amazing strategy game that managed to be dark and humorous at the same time. Potentially deserving of being in God tier. 

God tier:

Duke Nukem 3D: my personal favourite FPS game of all time. It was simple fun and managed to make fun of 80's and 90's action films whilst also playing a perfect homage to them.

Half Life: the first FPS game I remember playing that felt like it had a bit more depth in regards to storyline and strategy. Not quite as good as its sequel but still an amazing game in its own right.

Theme Hospital: a brilliant 'pick up and play' type game that I can still enjoy just as much today as when I was a child. To this day, I still see strategy games trying to emulate the same humour and atmosphere that Theme Hospital created.

Anyway, feel free to tell me how wrong I am or let me know what your own list would be. 

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