Saturday 24 August 2019

CBBC Classic Shows Tier List.


You may have recently read an article about the outrage caused by a recent tier list that CBBC posted on its Twitter. Now, we already know that most opinions shared on Twitter tend to be wrong but this one really did take the biscuit (great saying btw). The first thing I noticed was that they had put Newsround in the bottom tier and ChuckleVision in the mid-tier. What?!?! Anyway, here is my attempt at creating my own CBBC shows tier list. Keep in mind 3 things: 1) this is just my opinion. 2) I've had to leave off shows I don't remember (wtf is Ooglies?). 3) I've only included shows that CBBC included on their tier list so there are quite a few classics missing i.e. Arthur. 

Hmmm tier:

Basil Brush - Even as a kid, it just wasn't funny. 

UBOS - Really bad attempt at cashing in on the Harry Potter craze back in the day. 

BAMZOOKI - Children design their own robot things to complete challenges. Good idea but was poorly executed and a bit dull.

The Slammer - Talent show type format like BGT for kids. Was alright I guess.

Mid Tier:

Dennis the Menace - Was never quite as good as it should have been. Didn't live up to the comics. 

Mona the Vampire - Amazing theme tune but a fairly average cartoon. 

Raven - Did well to have a bit of a different vibe to other children's game shows but wasn't quite as exciting as some.

Top tier:

50/50 - Always seemed like the kids were genuinely having fun on this show. "Flynn, what did they win?". 

Get Your Own Back - A great format for a game show and Dave Benson Phillips was probably one of my favourite hosts from that generation. 

Smart - Really nice, genuinely chilled vibe for a children's show. Never seemed patronising and I would have had a go but I never had any bloody pipe cleaners. 

Deadly 60 - Very informative and another show that was massively helped by having a great host in Steve Backshall. 

Tracey Beaker - I've always really respected Jacqueline Wilson as a children's author and Tracey Beaker is no exception. It also had a really diverse cast including being one of the few shows I had seen that included children with disabilities. 

Dick & Dom in da Bungalow - Who can forget classics such as bogies, don't drop the sausage and baby racing?

Legend tier:

ChuckleVision - The Chuckle brothers took a show that appeared to have a tiny budget and practically the same story-line every week and they still made it entertaining! They always seemed to be genuinely likable and the nation (including me) mourned when Barry Chuckle died last year. Also, if you haven't seen their collaboration with Tinchy Stryder then you need to watch it now. 

Horrible Histories - This is one of the few children's TV shows that I still find genuinely funny and interesting. As a teacher, I have used clips from the show many times in my lessons. They really make the children laugh and present information in a way that they don't forget.  

Newsround - A really consistent show that has barely changed it's format since I was a child and it doesn't need to. 

Which shows do you think I put in the wrong place on the list and which classics did they miss that you wish they had included on their list?

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